About Dr. Korman
Weight Loss Procedures
Revision Procedures
Medical Weight Loss
Can You Reach Your Goal Weight? Dave Proves It’s Attainable
How Sylvia Got Her Slim Back
A Decade of Success: 10 Years later and 150 pounds lighter
"I was afraid my son would fly out of the amusement park ride."
The 100 Pound Epiphany
What are you waiting for?
“They put the C-pap mask on my face… I felt a wave of anxiety and I began to cry.”
"I didn't walk, I wobbled."
A Walk in Tony's Shoes
Flab to Four Pack
A "Coca-cola-aholic" No More
"Power Couple" Loses a Combined 120 Pounds!
Patient Spotlight: Michelle
Patient Spotlight: Patty
Patient Spotlight: Mark S.